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Complete Your 2024-25 Meal Application to Support Your School

For the 2024-2025 School year, all students enrolled at BUSD will receive nutrition and lunch meals at no charge. The reason to fill out the Free and Reduced Meal Applications is to qualify for additional benefits. Please see our home page "More Than a Meal". It explains the additional benefits available to those families that qualify for the program.

Read More about Complete Your 2024-25 Meal Application to Support Your School (opens in new window/tab)

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Great Expectations Virtual Meeting 24-25 Recording

If you were unable to attend the Great Expectations Virtual Meeting,

for parents/guardians of Special Education Early Development (SEED) students transitioning to

Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year, here is the link to the recording:




Si no pudo asistir a la Reunión Virtual de Grandes Expectativas,

para padres/tutores de estudiantes de Desarrollo Temprano de Educación Especial (SEED) en transición a

Kindergarten de Transición o Kindergarten para el próximo año escolar 2025-2026, aquí el enlace a la grabación




եթե չկարողացաք մասնակցել Մեծ սպասելիքների վիրտուալ հանդիպմանը,

Հատուկ կրթության վաղ զարգացման (SEED) ուսանողների ծնողների/խնամակալների համար, ովքեր անցում են կատարում դեպի

Անցումային մանկապարտեզ կամ մանկապարտեզ գալիք 2025-2026 ուսումնական տարվա համար, ահա ձայնագրության հղումը.




SEED Preschool Friends Flyer

Click here for information on the BUSD Free Preschool Friends Program! 






Special Education Early Development (SEED)

Children’s Program


Program Mission:

The SEED Program provides intensive early intervention services through a collaborative model to address a child's individual needs and to build on their strengths in order to help foster future school success. 

Program Highlights:

SEED offers an intensive early intervention preschool program designed for children with identified special needs ages three and above.


The program is designed to help children develop communication, speech language, social, pre-academic, and motor skills to prepare them for future school success.


Special education services are provided based on the assessment and recommendations made by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team which includes special education teachers, occupational therapists, behaviorists, and speech-language pathologists.  


Early childhood education specialists provide daily activities that follow preschool learning foundations as well as focusing on individual goals outlined on the student’s IEP.  


Children also have opportunities for interaction with typically developing preschool age students through our Preschool Friends Program.